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Empirical likelihood (EL) in its simplest form is just a nonparametric
likelihood. Let x 1 ;:::;x n be i.i.d. observations from an unknown d-variate
distribution F. The nonparametric likelihood is in fact maximized by the
empirical CDF, F n (x) =
i=1 I(X i
x). Owen 3;4 introduced an em-
pirical likelihood ratio statistic for nonparametric parameters. He showed
that the statistic has a limiting chi-square distribution and how to obtain
tests and condence intervals for a parameter, expressed as functional (F).
Many extensions and applications of empirical likelihood have been devel-
oped for biased sampling and censored data. See [5] for a comprehensive
review. Zhou, et al. 15 , Wang and Zhou 12 have applied the empirical like-
lihood to the problem of biased sampling (outcome dependent sampling).
Vardi 10;11 and Qin 6 have discussed the biased sampling problem in the
case of a completely known the weight function. When the weight function
involves unknown parameters, one usually needs methods to combine the
empirical likelihood with the parametric likelihood.
2.1. Data Structure and Likelihood
Zhou, et al. 15 proposed a semiparametric empirical likelihood to deal with
the two component outcome dependent data set, in which there is an overall
SRS sample and several supplemental samples. These supplemental sam-
ples are selected dependent on the outcome. The proposed semiparametric
empirical likelihood can deal with the continuous outcome and does not
make any assumption for the distribution of covariates.
Let Y denote the continuous outcome variable and X denote the vector
of covariates. Assume that the domain of Y is a union of K mutually
exclusive intervals: C k = (a k1 ;a k ]; k = 1;:::;K with a k ;k = 0; 1;:::;K
being known constants satisfying a 0 =1< a 1 < a 2 < ::: < a K =1:
The structure of the two component ODS sample consists an overall simple
random sample (the SRS sample) and a simple sample from each of the K
intervals of Y (the supplement samples). Let k be the index for intervals of Y
and i be the individuals. Then the observed data structure is as follows: one
observes the supplement samplefY ki ;X ki jY ki 2C k gwhere k = 1; 2;:::;K
and i = 1; 2;:::;n k . The overall SRS sample is denoted byfY 0i ;X 0i gwhere
i = 1; 2;:::;n 0 . For CPP data, in the sampling notation, we have that
a 1 = 82;a 2 = 110;n 0 = 849;n 1 = 81;n 2 = 0 and n 3 = 108:
For the ease of the presentation, let G X and g X denote the cumulative
distribution and density function of X, respectively. The joint likelihood
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