Global Positioning System Reference
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2 T int
Δ f D =
τ , f D
Δ f d
ˆτ, f D
0.5 chip
Estimated Doppler Shift
Estimated Code Delay
Fig. 2. (a) Acquisition search-space; (b) Auto-correlation functions of BPSK(1) and BOC(1,1);
(c) Sinc function
τ BPSK =
0.5 chip. However, for BOC signal, due to the appearance of side-peaks,
is chosen so that the tracking stage can avoid to lock to the side-peaks. For BOC(1,1), in
order to achieve the same average correlation loss as for a BPSK signal,
τ BOC ( 1,1 ) =
3 T int
chip (Wilde et al., 2006). As for Doppler shift dimension,
f D =
as in (Kaplan, 2005)
2 T int as in (Misra & Enge, 2006) are often chosen concerning the trade-off between
complexity and sensitivity.
f D =
2.3 Acquisition performance parameters
When dealing with real signals, the incoming code is affected by several factors such as
propagation distortion and noise, thus resulting in a distorted correlation function. In order to
achieve an optimal detection process, the Neyman-Pearson likelihood criterion is used. In fact,
the magnitude S m = |
2 of each complex correlator output can be modeled as a random
variable with statistical features. Thus, S m is compared with a predetermined threshold ( V )
in order to decide which hypothesis between H 0 ( S m
R m |
V ) is true, where H 0
and H 1 respectively represent the absence or presence of the desired peak. Once the decision
V ) and H 1 ( S m
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