Global Positioning System Reference
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used for the error distributions and the parameters to be considered in the integrity
equation. Indeed, although more complete, the new integrity concept introduced by Galileo
is more complex and less intuitive than SBAS and RAIM protection level concept.
A possible development of the proposed algorithm could be the definition of SISMA
analogous for the GPS satellites in order to contribute to the IR equation under faulty
The present study is only a preliminary analysis. In order to better evaluate the
performances of the proposed algorithm, we need to use realistic data (i.e. pseudoranges
measurements obtained through a real GNSS receiver) as inputs of the implemented code.
8. Acknowledgements
Some of the concepts illustrated in this Chapter have been developed by the authors and
their collaborators at the University of Florence, also within the following projects:
GIRASOLE (Galileo Safety of Life Receivers Development), March 2005 - September
2006, financed by the GSA (European GNSS Agency) under the contract
SWAN (Sistemi software per Applicazioni di Navigazione), December 2007 - June 2009,
financed by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) under the contract DC-IPC-2006-160;
PEGASUS (Platform of Enhanced Gnss receiver for Application in Sol User Segment),
December 2010 - December 2011, financed by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) under the
contract. ASI I/024/10/0.
9. References
G. Dore, M. Calamia, “Evolution of Integrity Concept : from Galileo to Multisystem”, ENC-
GNSS 2009, Naples (Italy), May 2009.
V. Oehler, F. Luongo, J. P. Boyero, R. Stalford, H. L. Trautenberg, J. Hahn, F. Amarillo, M.
Crisci, B. Schalarmann, J. F. Flamand, “The Galileo Integrity Concept”, ION GNSS
17th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division, 21-24 Sept. 2004.
C. Pecchioni, M. Ciollaro, M. Calamia, “Combined Galileo and EGNOS Integrity Signal: a
multisystem integrity algorithm”, 2nd Workshop on GNSS Signals & Signal
Processing, Apr. 2007.
T. Walter and P. Enge, “Weighted RAIM for Precision Approach”, Stanford University,
C. Pecchioni, “L'integrity nei sistemi combinati di navigazione satellitare: confronti,
algoritmi e verifiche”, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Sept. 2006.
P. Misra and P. Enge, “Global Positioning System, Signal, Measurements and Performance”,
Ganga-Jamuna Press, 2001.
M. Ciollaro, “GNSS Multisystem Integrity for Precision Approaches in Civil Aviation”,
Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Feb. 2009.
“Galileo Integrity User Equations - Working Paper”, GAL-TNO-GLI-SYST-I/0630.
F. Luongo, V. Oehler and R. Stalford, “HPCA Input/Output Test Data”, Galileo Industries,
Apr. 2004.
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