Graphics Reference
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Figure A-9. A scatter plot with colors set
We can also modify the scales; that is, the mappings from data to visual attributes. Here, we'll
change the xscale so that it has a larger range:
p + geom_point() + scale_x_continuous(limits = c( 0 , 8 ))
Figure A-10. A scatter plot with increased x-range
If we go back to the example with the colour=group mapping, we can also modify the color
p + geom_point() +
scale_colour_manual(values = c( "orange" , "forestgreen" ))
Figure A-11. A scatter plot with modified colors and a different palette
Both times when we modified the scale, the guidealso changed. With the xscale, the guide was
the markings along the x-axis. With the color scale, the guide was the legend.
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