Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 13-7. Left: a directed graph; right: an undirected graph, with no vertex labels
This is the structure of each of the graph objects:
IGRAPH D --- 6 6 --
+ edges:
[ 1 ] 1 -> 2 2 -> 3 2 -> 4 1 -> 4 5 -> 5 3 -> 6
IGRAPH U --- 6 6 --
+ edges:
[ 1 ] 1 - -2 2 - -3 2 - -4 1 - -4 5 - -5 3 - -6
In a network graph, the position of the nodes is unspecified by the data, and they're placed ran-
domly. To make the output repeatable, you can set the random seed before making the plot. You
can try different random numbers until you get a result that you like:
set.seed( 229 )
It's also possible to create a graph from a data frame. The first two rows of the data frame are
used, and each row specifies a connection between two nodes. In the next example ( Figure 13-8 ) ,
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