Graphics Reference
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Figure 9-2. Left: title with ggtitle and a negative vjust() value (note the extra space above the plot-
ting area); right: with a text annotation at the top of the figure
The second method is to instead use a text annotation, setting its xposition to the middle of the
xrange and its yposition to Inf , which places it at the top of the plotting region. This also re-
quires a positive vjust value to bring the text fully inside the plotting region:
# Move the title inside
p + ggtitle( "Age and Height of Schoolchildren" ) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(vjust = -2.5 ))
# Use a text annotation instead
p + annotate( "text" , x = mean(range(heightweight$ageYear)), y = Inf,
label = "Age and Height of Schoolchildren" , vjust = 1.5 , size = 6 )
Changing the Appearance of Text
You want to change the appearance of text in a plot.
To set the appearance of theme items such as the title, axis labels, and axis tick marks, use
theme() and set the item with element_text() . For example, axis.title.x controls the
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