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Specifying the breaks is similar to with a numeric axis—the main difference is in specifying the
sequence of dates to use. We'll use a subset of the economics data, ranging from mid-1992 to
mid-1993. If breaks aren't specified, they will be automatically selected, as shown in Figure 8-38
# Take a subset of economics
econ <- subset(economics, date >= as.Date( "1992-05-01" ) &
date < as.Date( "1993-06-01" ))
# Base plot - without specifying breaks
p <- ggplot(econ, aes(x = date, y = psavert)) + geom_line()
The breaks can be created by using the seq() function with starting and ending dates, and an
interval ( Figure 8-38 , bottom):
# Specify breaks as a Date vector
datebreaks <- seq(as.Date( "1992-06-01" ), as.Date( "1993-06-01" ), by = "2 month" )
# Use breaks, and rotate text labels
p + scale_x_date(breaks = datebreaks) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30 , hjust = 1 ))
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