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Here, the automatic tick marks were placed every five inches, but that looks a little off for this
data. We can instead have ggplot() set tick marks every four inches, by specifying breaks
( Figure 8-16 , right):
hwp + scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq( 48 , 72 , 4 ), labels = footinch_formatter)
Figure 8-16. Left: scatter plot with a formatter function; right: with manually specified breaks on
the y-axis
Another common task is to convert time measurements to HH:MM:SS format, or something
similar. This function will take numeric minutes and convert them to this format, rounding to the
nearest second (it can be customized for your particular needs):
timeHMS_formatter <- function
function (x) {
h <- floor(x / 60 )
m <- floor(x %% 60 )
s <- round( 60 * (x %% 1 )) # Round to nearest second
lab <- sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d" , h, m, s) # Format the strings as HH:MM:SS
lab <- gsub( "^00:" , "" , lab)
# Remove leading 00: if present
lab <- gsub( "^0" , "" , lab)
# Remove leading 0 if present
return (lab)
Running it on some sample numbers yields:
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