Graphics Reference
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"0" "1"
library(plyr) # For the revalue function
birthwt1$smoke <- revalue(birthwt1$smoke, c( "0" = "No Smoke" , "1" = "Smoke" ))
Now when we plot it again, it shows the new labels ( Figure 6-12 , right):
ggplot(birthwt1, aes(x = bwt)) + geom_density() + facet_grid(smoke ~ . )
If you want to see the histograms along with the density curves, the best option is to use facets,
since other methods of visualizing both histograms in a single graph can be difficult to interpret.
To do this, map y=..density.. , so that the histogram is scaled down to the height of the dens-
ity curves. In this example, we'll also make the histogram bars a little less prominent by changing
the colors ( Figure 6-13 ) :
ggplot(birthwt1, aes(x = bwt, y = .. density..)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 200 , fill = "cornsilk" , colour = "grey60" , size = .2 ) +
geom_density() +
facet_grid(smoke ~ . )
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