Graphics Programs Reference
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open or import. These color management policies look for the color proi le
associated with a document or imported color data, and compare the proi le
(or lack of proi le) with the current editing working space settings in order to
make default color management decisions for conversion and color display.
If the proi le is missing or does not match the working space, Photoshop
displays a warning message that indicates the default action for the policy (as
long as the alert option is selected in the color settings). For a newly created
document, the color workl ow usually operates behind the scenes; unless
otherwise specii ed, the document uses the working space proi le associated
with its color mode for creating and editing colors.
In this text, we are going to set the color management policies to convert all
incoming documents to the specii ed working space. This simply means the
active radial button will be automatically preset to “Convert to the Working
space”. However, you will always be able to choose otherwise.
Proi le mismatches
If you are presented with an “Embedded Proi le Mismatch” dialog when
you open an image, this means that the image was captured or created in a
dif erent working space than your chosen working space policies. This warning
dialog is how you tell Photoshop to proceed with opening the document.
Your choices are the following: (1) Use the embedded proi le (instead of the
working space), (2) Convert document's colors to the working space, and
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