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i lter layers. As with other layers, i lter layers multiply the dozens and dozens
of existing i lters exponentially with the extensive reach, depth and breadth of
complex blending modes. Now, Photoshop CS4 has added even more to the
non-destructive workl ow with the new Adjustment panel and Mask panel.
Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw 5 (which ships alongside Photoshop
CS4 and CS4 Extended) also benei t from non-destructive support for both
TIFFs and JPEGs that translate to a preservational workl ow for everyone!
From a cell phone image to a burst of space-saving i les of a pro SLR, anyone
can now enjoy the walk-up simplicity of these application's non-destructive
workl ows. In the case of these two applications, image integrity is preserved
not through layers, but through a system of settings applied to the original
image. These settings can either be baked into the i le, or sit alongside the
original in what's known as a “sidecar” i le, which is a ride-along i le full of .XMP
metadata (a set of the adjustment instructions). Further, benei ts of metadata-
driven adjustments are speed, intuitive controls (everything is non-destructive
by nature) and sharing of ef ects; the one detriment is that Camera Raw and
Lightroom are global editing tools, and adjustments are made to the entirety
of an image - their big brother, Photoshop, is the home for selective edits.
A truly non-destructive workl ow is about best practices and methodologies.
Throughout this topic, whenever applicable, we suggest methods which
protect your valuable assets as best as possible. As stated, a non-destructive
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