Graphics Programs Reference
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with had very compelling reasons why their methods were superior to all
others. I would be absolutely enchanted with one method one week, and be
equally persuaded by another method the next. At i rst, I sided with the artist
buying margaritas that week. Later, however, I dedicated some time testing
and practicing each and every method with my own imagery and artistic
goals. I determined in the process that the most dazzling techniques were not
always the best for my work, nor even the most ef ective.
I learned that the best techniques for me are the ones that give me the results
I like, with the least amount of time and frustration. And for that reason alone I
have truly learned to love the ease of image handling and creative possibilities
Adobe Lightroom has to of er my workl ow.
Black and White Conversion Options:
The Methods
Simple Grayscale
1. Select an image in Lightroom and click on the “Develop Module” for editing.
2. Check“Grayscale”.
3. To optimize the conversion with further control, go the Grayscale panel and
click the Auto button at the bottom of the panel. This feature automatically
adjusts the Grayscale Mix sliders for an excellent grayscale conversion based
on the White Balance settings of “Temperature” and “Tint” in the Basic panel.
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