Digital Signal Processing Reference
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of cooperation on one of the most fundamental random access protocols—the slotted
ALOHA system [27].
11.3.1 Slotted ALOHA in a Wireless Network
In this section, let us start by reviewing the conventional slotted ALOHA system before
incorporating the concept of cooperation in later sections.
Consider a network with N users, denoted by the set U = {1, 2, , N }, transmitting to
an access point (AP) through the wireless fading channel, as shown in Figure 11.2. In the
slotted ALOHA system, the time is divided into equal-length time slots with the dura-
tion equal to the transmission time of one packet. The beginning and ending of each
time slot are synchronized for all users, and a transmission can only occur at the begin-
ning of a time slot. Let us assume, without loss of generality, that the length of each time
slot is equal to 1 such that the transmission in the m th time slot occurs during the time
t ∈[ m , m +1). If a user, say user i , has a packet to transmit, it will transmit in the current
time slot with probability p i , which is independent from all users and over all time slots.
If more than one user is transmitting in the same time slot, a collision will occur and no
packet will be successfully received at the AP.
In contrast to conventional slotted ALOHA systems, where a transmission is assumed
to be successful as long as there is no collision, the transmission of a packet in a wireless
system may fail due to channel fading. Suppose that the channel experienced by user
i in the m th time slot is parameterized by the variable γ i [ m ]. For example, γ i [ m ] may be
the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the signal received at the AP corresponding to the
transmission by user i in the m th time slot. Assume that γ i [ m ] is independent and identi-
cally distributed (i.i.d.) over time with the distribution function F γ i . Given that user i
is the only user transmitting in the current time slot, the probability that the destina-
tion receives the packet correctly can be modeled by the probability Ψ(γ i [ m ]), which is
a function of the channel state. Let { H i [ m ]} m =0 be a sequence of i.i.d. Bernoulli random
variables with probability ψ i = e γ i [Ψ(γ i [ m ])], where the event H i [ m ] = 1 indicates the
event of a successful transmission. After each time slot, the access point will feedback
{0,1, e } information to the users, where 0 indicates an idle slot, 1 indicates a success, and
e indicates an error, due to either collision or channel fading.
γ 1
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
m m + 1
γ N
Time slots
γ 2
User 1
. . . . .
λ 1
User N
B 1
λ N
User 2
λ 2
B 2
FIgure 11.2
Illustration of the slotted ALOHA system.
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