Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Based on the development experience of the HSP and its mother city Hsinchu,
local communities have been expecting that industrial growth in the TSP would
eventually attract migrant population, new business, and benefit the surrounding
property market. Local pressure for new urban planning in the surrounding areas
has been high since the beginning of the TSP. Tainan County Government started
such effort—Plan of Tainan Science-Based Industrial Park Special District which
covers a quite large area and surrounds the whole area of TSP—in late 1997.
Because of the flood awareness, the project consultant company seriously con-
ducted flood potential simulations and took TSP Plan as key reference. This is the
first urban planning project known to have seriously combined hydraulic analyses
in the spatial planning process. The Plan of the special district (covering 3,299 ha
of land) was approved by the Regional Planning Committee in August 1999.
Except for the land for building purposes, the Plan reserved a very high proportion
of land for parks and productive green spaces, and the blue and green corridors are
well connected with the previously planned TSP corridors (Map 5). As a retro-
spect, the urban planning efforts between 1996 and 1999, more or less following
the principles of landscape ecology, had laid the backbones for the green infra-
structure of the TSP and its surrounding special district. They also stand as key
landmarks in the evolution of ''green'' urban planning in Taiwan.
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