Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
In the Nanomaterials area our efforts continue to be to add value to Sri Lanka's
natural resources such as Ilmenite, Clay, Magnetite, Vein Quartz, and Vein
Graphite. We are developing processes to make Titanium Dioxide, Montmoril-
lonite, Nano Magnetite, Nano Silica, and Graphite Nano Platelets.
4 Conceptual Framework
In developing our strategy for the Nanotechnology Park, we conceptualized a
fivefold framework as illustrated in Fig. 2 and listed below:
Center of Research and Innovation (R&I).
Cells of Incubation.
Corporate Research and Business Development (R&BD).
Centralized Services.
The framework is a series of concentric circles developed around a Center of
Research and Innovation. This also draws parallels to a Hub and Spoke Model
where the hub is the Center of R&I and the spokes being the Cells of Incubation,
Corporate R&BD, Centralized Services and the Community.
The Center of R&I is the Nanotechnology Center of Excellence (NCE) that will
be developed in the first phase of the Nanotechnology Park. Its primary respon-
sibility is to conduct research on Nanotechnology and facilitate Open Innovation.
It will also be responsible for the management and promotion of the Park.
Fig. 2 Conceptual
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