Civil Engineering Reference
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Fig. 2
Some key elements in the MSC regional system of innovation. Source: Mohan et al. ( 2004 )
These include a regional development agency (RDA) called the Multimedia
Development Corporation (MDC), innovative finance schemes, the MSC Flag-
ships Networks, A dedicated university and an Incubator, others.
3.1 The Regional Development Agency—Multimedia
Development Corporation
The Multimedia Development Coporation (MDeC), the government owned but
autonomous organization, plays the role of a champion, facilitator, and partner of
companies choosing to operate in the MSC. The MDeC markets the MSC initiative
globally. Some of the roles, among many others, set for MDeC to develop the
MSC Cluster include the following:
• Foster the development of ''web''-based collaboration in the MSC, Malaysia and
• Catalyze and nurture local companies and SMEs to become global players by
forging successful smart partnerships between Malaysian and international
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