Civil Engineering Reference
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3. The out-migration of regional talent can be reversed and lead to in-migration of
• Regional context is important
- Allow for if not encourage Immigrant Entrepreneurship
- Be a tolerant city/region
- Support social and economic inclusion.
''Spectacular Success'' is nice but small wins and regional role models are also
The right ''Branding'' sure helps: Be a ''cool'' place for ''hot/creative'' jobs.
4. All regions—developed, developing, and emerging—have distinctive chal-
lenges and assets.
And a few questions:
• Are policy makers and managers getting smarter about Knowledge-Based
Economic Development?
• Is it increasingly possible to ''leapfrog'' from being an emerging to being a
globally-competitive region?
• Is regional technology-based economic development becoming more virtual and
• Given increased R&D and entrepreneurship as well as natural resource con-
straints worldwide are there limitations for technology diffusion and absorption
in global markets?
Caircross, F. (1997). The Death of Distance. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Christensen, C.M., & Michael, E.R. (2003). The Innovators Solution: Creating and Sustaining
Successful Growth, Harvard Business School Press.
Gibson, D., & Pablo Rhi-Perez, et al. (2002). Cameron County/Matamoros: At The Crossroads,
IC2 Institute Report for The University of Texas at Brownsville.
Gibson, D. V., & Rogers, E. (1994). R&D Collaboration on Trial. Boston, MA: Harvard Business
School Press.
Gibson, D.V., & Conceio, P. (2003) Incubating and networking technology commercialization
centers among emerging, developing, and mature technopolies.Worldwide International
Handbook of Innovation.
Jolly, V. (1997) From Mind to Market.
Nelson, R.R., & Romer, P.(1996) Science, economic growth, and public policy, in: B.L. Smith &
C.E.Barfield (Eds.) Technology, R&D, and The Economy, Brookings, Washington, D.C.
Rogers, E., & Larsen, J. (1984). Silicon Valley Fever Growth of High-Tech Culture. New York:
Basic Books.
Smilor, R., Gibson, D. V., & Kozmetsky, G., Creating the Technopolis High-Technology
Development in Austin, Texas, Journal of Business Venturing, 1988, pp. 49-67.
Tatsuno, S., (1988) Building a Japanese Technostate: MITI's Technopolis program, Onda, M.,
Tsukuba science city complex and Japanese strategy, in: Creating the Technopolis (Eds.)
Smilor, R., Kozmetsky, G., Gibson, D.V., Ballinger Pub. Co.: Cambridge, MA.
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