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• Fourth: There is the need for local initiatives to reinforce technology-led eco-
nomic development through sustainable development of high-tech start-ups.
Their efforts should focus on attracting high-tech industries and establishing
promotional organizations. In particular, system approach of supporting entre-
preneurship of high-tech venture firms is very crucial in terms of sustainable
business incubation strategy. Start-up firms, after having successfully matured in
the incubation center can then enter the productive-oriented industrial park. The
combination of these three sectors (research park, high-tech industrial park, and
incubation center) can be a kind of complex model of sustainable business
incubation for high-tech venture firms in a science park: research, production,
and business incubation. The establishment of venture parks, high-tech indus-
trial parks like DTV in Korea where R& D activities can be promoted and
commercialized, makes sense in this respect.
Allen, D.N. & Rahman, S. (1985). Small Business Incubators: A Positive Environment for
Entrepreneurship. Journal of Small Business Management, 23(3), 12-22
Fache, Dominque. (1992). Cultural and enterprenuerial success: Innovation in science park, the
technopolis phenomena, Maryland, Rowman Littlefield Publishers, Inc., p.193
Feeser, H.R. (1987). Incubators, entrepreneurs, strategy, and performance: A comparison of high
and low growth high tech firms. PhD Dissertation, Purdue University
Gibson, D. (1991). Key Variables in Technology Transfer: A Field Study Based Empirical
Analysis (with R. Smilor). Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Vol. 8,
pp. 287-312
Gibson, D. (1997). Inter-Organizational Technology Transfer: From Standard Technology
Packages to Spin-Offs. In J. Sedaitis (Ed.), Commercializing High Technology East and West,
New York: Rowmon & Littlefield Publications, pp. 77-94
Gibson, L.J. (1992). Science cities or technopolis, science parks and technology parks: alternative
models for university participation, Proceedings of the Development Strategies for Science
Town (1992) 25-47
Kim (2000). Tendency and prospect of venture business, necessity and development of Venture
627 Town, Daejeon Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea
Larsen, K. & M, Rogers. (1988). Silicon Valley: The rise and falling off of entrepreneurial fever,
creating the Technopolis. Massachusetts: Ballinger
MacDonald, S. (1987). British science parks: reflections of the politics of high technology, R&D
Management 17(1), 25-37
Massey, D. Quintas, P. & Y. wield, D. (1992). High tech fantasies: Science Parks in Society,
Science and Space. London: Routledge
Oh, D. S. (2002). Technology-based regional development policy: Case study Daedeok Science
Town, Daejeon Metropolitan City, Korea. Habitat International 26, 213-228.
Oh, D. S., & Kang, B. S. (1997). Technology commercialization and business promotion in
Science Park: Case study of Daedeok Science Town. Journal of the Korean Regional Science
Association, 13 (2), 119-141 (Korean Regional Science Association).
Quandt, C. (1998). Developing innovation networks for technology-based clusters: The role of
information and communication technologies. Paper prepared for the workshop on 'Tech-
regioes: Ciencia, tecnologia edesenvolvimento—passado, presente e futuro, Rio de Janeiro,
December 6
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