Information Technology Reference
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They use different addressing schemes.
They use different port allocations.
UDP only supports one-way traffic, while TCP supports multiplexed traf-
What is the main method that TCP uses to create a reliable connection:
Enhanced error correction
Specially coded data
Encrypted data
Sequence numbers and acknowledgements
How is the initial sequence number of a TCP packet generated:
From a 32-bit clock which is updated every 4
From a universal Internet-based clock
From the system clock
How many packets are exchanged in setting up an established TCP connection:
24.11.10 Outline the operation of the three-way handshaking.
24.11.11 What advantages does TCP have over UDP. Investigate server applications which
use UDP.
24.11.12 If possible, implement a basic client/server application with either C++ or Visual
Basic. As a test, run the client and the server on the same computer. (Note the IP
address of the computer as this is required by the client.)
24.11.13 Change the program in Exercise 24.11.12 so that the client and the server run on
different computers (note the IP address of the server as this is required by the cli-
ent). If possible, run the program on different network segments.
For the following questions, download a program from the WWW which connects
to a specified port on a specified server.
24.11.14 Connect to a WWW server using port 13. This port should return the current date
and time.
24.11.15 Connect to a WWW server using port 19.
24.11.16 Connect two computers over a network and set up a chat connection. One of the
computers should be the chat server and the other the chat client. Modify it so that
the server accepts calls from one or many clients.
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