Information Technology Reference
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The IP address is 32 bits long and can address over four billion physical addresses (2 32 or
4 294 967 296 hosts). There are three main address formats and these are shown in Figure
Class A
Network (7 bits)
Node (24 bits)
Class B
Network (14 bits)
Node (16 bits)
Class C
Network (21 bits)
Node (8 bits)
Figure 23.7
Type A, B and C IP address classes
Each of these types is applicable to certain types of networks. Class A allows up to 128
(2 7 ) different networks and up to 16 777 216 (2 24 ) hosts on each network. Class B allows up
to 16 384 (2 14 ) networks and up to 65 536 (2 16 ) hosts on each network. Class C allows up to
2 097 152 (2 21 ) networks each with up to 256 (2 8 ) hosts.
The class A address is thus useful where there are a small number of networks with a
large number of hosts connected to them. Class C is useful where there are many networks
with a relatively small number of hosts connected to each network. Class B addressing gives
a good compromise of networks and connected hosts.
When selecting internet addresses for the network, the address can be specified simply
with decimal numbers within a specific range. The standard DARPA IP addressing format is
of the form:
where W , X , Y and Z represent 1 byte of the IP address. As decimal numbers they range from
0 to 255. The 4 bytes together represent both the network and host address.
The valid range of the different IP addresses is given in Figure 23.7 and Table 23.2 de-
fines the valid IP addresses. Thus for a class A type address there can be 127 networks and
1 6 711 680 (256
255) hosts. Class B can have 16 320 (64
255) networks and class C
can have 2 088 960 (32
255) networks and 255 hosts.
Addresses above 223.255.254 are reserved, as are addresses with groups of zeros.
Table 23.2
Ranges of addresses for type A, B and C internet address
Network portion
Host portion
1 - 126
0.0.1 - 255.255.254
128.1 - 191.254
0.1 - 255.254
192.0.1 - 223.255.254
1 - 254
23.6.3 Creating IP addresses with subnet numbers
Besides selecting IP addresses of internets and host numbers, it is also possible to designate
an intermediate number called a subnet number. Subnets extend the network field of the IP
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