Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Single tickets are charged at a premium (often costing only a little less than a 1-day Travel-
card) of £4 flat fare for journeys within or beyond Zone 1 or £3 for journeys outside of
Zone 1. Single Oyster fares are charged by the number of zones crossed, starting at £2.00
for 1 zone up to £4.80 for 6 zones.
Operating Hours:
Trains run from around 05:30 to about 01:00. They are usually the fastest way to travel in
London, the only problem being the relative expense, and that it can get extremely crowded
during rush hours (07:30-10:00 and 16:30-19:00).
Tips for Tube Travelers
Devised in 1933 by Harry Beck, the Underground map is a 20th-century design classic.
It's very useful, clearly indicating the general directions used to designate trains (north,
south, east or westbound), and with all interchanges clearly indicated. Some other useful
tips when using the Tube:
Avoid travelling during rush hour if possible
Always check the front of the train for your correct destination
Stand on the right and walk on the left when using escalators
Use an Oyster Card; it's more convenient and cheaper
By Bus
I personally don't use the Bus system while in London. Finding the right station to hop in
and out is taking too much time to plan and the nightlines again use different stations, so I
focus on the tube.
For those of you that would like to use them here some useful information.
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