Environmental Engineering Reference
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FIGURE 6 Model of sequential colonization in turbidite/hemipelagite couplets according to
Wetzel and Uchman (2001) .T b ,T c ,T d ,T e indicate the Bouma intervals (see text). Modified after
Uchman (2007a) .
the sediment is colonized by small opportunistic deposit feeders producing
Phycosiphon , rather than by the larger sediment-feeding producers of Nereites
( Fig. 6 ). Both burrows penetrate the sediment horizontally and have no connec-
tion to the sea floor, benefiting from the still oxygenated pore water. When
oxygen and food decreases to a level that horizontal mining becomes ineffi-
cient, the sediment is colonized by stationary burrowers producing Chondrites ;
( Pa ), and Thalassinoides ( Th ). (B) Totally bioturbated turbidites in a Neogene slope basin, Eastern
Cape; Northern Island, New Zealand. Scolicia ( Sc ) cross-cut by Chondrites ( Ch ). (C) Totally
bioturbated turbidites in a Neogene slope basin, Eastern Cape; Northern Island, New Zealand.
Chondrites ( Ch ), Planolites ( Pl ), Phycosiphon ( Ph ), Taenidium ( Ta ), and Thalassinoides ( Th ).
Note light turbidite-derived material as infilling of burrows below the base of the turbidite (exichnial
elite layer).
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