Environmental Engineering Reference
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FIGURE 2 Some post-depositional trace fossils. (A) Chondrites intricatus (Brongniart), endichnial
full reliefs in turbiditic marlstone, parting surface, Krzeczkowa, Holownia Siliceous Marls
(Turonian-Lower Santonian), Skole Nappe, Polish Carpathians. (B) Dictyodora liebeana Geinitz
in horizontal section. Turbiditic mudstone, Kulm facies, Jivov ´ Quarry, Moravia, Czech Republic.
(C) Nereites irregularis Schafh ¨ utl, parting horizontal surface of a muddy/silty turbidite, top view,
Szczawa-Gł˛bieniec, Ropianka Formation (Paleocene), Magura Nappe, Polish Carpathians.
(D) Phycosiphon incertum von Fischer-Ooster, endichnial full relief on a parting surface at the top
of a sandy turbidite, Zbludza, Belove ˇ a Beds (Eocene), Magura Unit, Polish Carpathians.
(E) Ophiomorpha annulata (Ksi˛˙kiewicz), full reliefs in a turbiditic sandstone, Beloveˇa Beds
(Eocene), Naszacowice, Magura Unit, Polish Carpathians. (F) Scolicia prisca Quatrefages, weath-
ered endichnial full relief at the top of a turbiditic sandstone, field photograph, Łabowa, Beloveˇa
Beds (Eocene), Magura Nappe, Polish Carpathians. (G) Thalassinoides isp. ( Th ) and Ophiomorpha
annulata (Ksi˛˙kiewicz) ( Oph ), full reliefs on the lower surface of a sandy turbidite, Lubomierz,
Beloveˇa Beds (Eocene), Magura Nappe, Polish Carpathians. (H) Chondrites intricatus (Brongniart)
( Ch ) and Planolites isp. ( Pl ) reworked by Chondrites isp., parting surface of a marly mudstone, Mun-
tigl, Atlenbacher Schichten (Maastrichtian-Paleocene), Rhenodanubian Flysch, Austria. (I) Zoophy-
cos isp., parting surface of a marly turbidite, Kanina, Ropianka Formation (Senonian-Paleocene),
Magura Unit, Polish Carpathians.
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