Environmental Engineering Reference
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FIGURE 2 Examples of brackish-water assemblages of trace fossils. (A) Nereid (ne) and capitellid
(cp) polychaete burrows that resemble the ichnogenera Skolithos ( Sk ) and Trichichnus . Gironde
Estuary, France. (B) Resin cast of a low-diversity trace assemblage comprising Polykladichnus made
by nereid (ne) polychaetes. Kouchibouguac, New Brunswick, Canada. (C) Low-diversity suite of
Arenicolites ( Ar ) and Trichichnus ( Tr ) from a tidally influenced bar deposit of the Fraser River delta.
(D) Comparably robust Gyrolithes ( Gy1 ) and more gracile examples ( Gy2 ) in inclined heterolithic
stratification (IHS) of the Cretaceous McMurray Formation. (E) Skolithos in cross-bedded sands of
the inner Ogeechee estuary, Georgia, USA. (F) Monospecific assemblage of Arenicolites , Bay of
Fundy, Canada. (G) Low-diversity trace assemblage comprising diminutive traces ( Pl , Planolites ;
Ar , Arenicolites ) from an upper point bar, inner estuary, Willapa Bay, Washington, USA.
Roy and Martien, 2001; Spaargaren, 1979 ). Enforced diminution also
may induce shortened lifecycles, thereby promoting elevated mortality
rates. Such conditions lead to a predominance of juvenile tracemakers
( Chapman and Brinkhurst, 1981 ) that produce comparably small traces.
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