Environmental Engineering Reference
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Given the spatial and temporal complexities in the genesis of stratigraphic
discontinuities, continued refinement in the usage of ichnology is essential. The
infaunal colonization of discontinuities yields critical information about the ori-
gin of the discontinuity and the paleoenvironmental conditions that existed dur-
ing its faunal colonization. The integration of ichnological and physical
sedimentological datasets with sequence-stratigraphic models is essential in
order to achieve high-resolution reconstructions of the ancient record.
The authors would like to thank the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of
Canada (NSERC) for research funding; Discovery Grant No. 184293 to J. A. M., Discovery
Grant (PRG) No. 341789 to S. E. D., Discovery Grant No. 227176 to O. C., and Operating
Grant No. A0816 to S. G. P. S. G. P. would like to thank the Canada Research Chairs program
for their support of his research. D. K. thanks Statoil ASA for support and permission to pub-
lish on the Khuff Formation, and Stephen N. Ehrenberg, Tore A. Sv ˚ n ˚ , and Joanna Garland
who kindly provided information. Murray Gingras provided valuable insights into the auto-
genic compaction of sand in nearshore positions. The thorough reviews of William Helland-
Hansen and Ashton Embry were instrumental in the wholesale revision of this manuscript, and
they are warmly thanked for their assistance.
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