Environmental Engineering Reference
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FIGURE 7 Trace fossils and trace-fossil suites attributable to the continental ichnofacies.
(A) Sandstone bedding plane containing Scoyenia ( Sc ) of the Scoyenia Ichnofacies. (B) Vertical
section through Naktodemasis of the Scoyenia Ichnofacies. Scale is 3 cm long. NB: Recent ichno-
taxonomic work suggests that structures identified as Naktodemasis in this chapter are better
regarded as Taenidium bowni (e.g., Krapovickas et al., 2009 ). (C) Bedding plane with Mermia of
the Mermia Ichnofacies. (D) Sandstone with Coprinisphaera ecuadoriensis of the Coprinisphaera
Ichnofacies (photo courtesy of Luis Buatois).
In the Seilacherian framework, ichnofacies are not recurring trace-fossil suites,
nor are they ichnocoenoses ( Bromley et al., 2007; MacEachern et al., 2007a, 2010;
Pemberton et al., 1992 ). Rather, they reside at a hierarchal level above trace-fossil
suites and constitute the theoretical models that encompass distinct ethological and
trophic groupings of trace fossils for the purpose of assisting in the paleoenviron-
mental interpretation of the suites. Individual assemblages, ichnocoenoses, or
suites may be attributable to an ichnofacies, but the ichnofacies cannot be said
to be equivalent to them ( Bromley et al., 2007; MacEachern et al., 2007a ). For
the purpose of facies analysis, trace fossils are regardedmore as biogenic sedimen-
tary structures (akin to physical sedimentary structures in lithofacies) than as
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