Java Reference
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/* Uncomment the following code to print all methods in the Person class
// Get the accessible public methods
methodsDesciption = getMethodsList(c);
System.out.println("\nMethods for " + c.getName());
for (String desc : methodsDesciption) {
public static ArrayList<String> getMethodsList(Class c) {
Method[] methods = c.getMethods();
ArrayList<String> methodsList = getMethodsDesciption(methods);
return methodsList;
public static ArrayList<String> getDeclaredMethodsList(Class c) {
Method[] methods = c.getDeclaredMethods();
ArrayList<String> methodsList = getMethodsDesciption(methods);
return methodsList;
public static ArrayList<String> getMethodsDesciption(Method[] methods) {
ArrayList<String> methodList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Method m : methods) {
String modifiers = ExecutableUtil.getModifiers(m);
// Get the method return type
Class returnType = m.getReturnType();
String returnTypeName = returnType.getSimpleName();
// Get the name of the method
String methodName = m.getName();
// Get the parameters of the method
ArrayList<String> paramsList = ExecutableUtil.getParameters(m);
String params = ExecutableUtil.arrayListToString(paramsList, ",");
// Get the Exceptions thrown by method
String throwsClause = ExecutableUtil.getThrowsClause(m);
methodList.add(modifiers + " " + returnTypeName + " " +
methodName + "(" + params + ") " + throwsClause);
return methodList;
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