Java Reference
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Declared Fields for com.jdojo.reflection.Person
private int id
private String name
Accessible Fields for com.jdojo.reflection.Person
You cannot use this technique to describe the length field of an array object. each array type has a corresponding
class. When you try to get the fields of an array class using the getFields() method, you get an array of Field objects
of zero length. the array length is not part of the array's class definition. rather, it is stored as part of the array object in
the object header. for more information on array's length field, please refer to Chapter 11.
Reflecting on an Executable
An instance of the Method class represents a method. An instance of the Constructor class represents a constructor.
Structurally, methods and constructors have few things in common. Both use modifiers, parameters, and throws
clause. Java 8 refactored these classes to inherit them from a common abstract superclass, Executable . Methods to
retrieve information common to both have been added/moved to the Executable class.
A parameter in an Executable is represented by an object of the Parameter class, which was added in Java 8. The
getParameters() method in the Executable class returns all parameters of an Executable as an array of Parameter .
By default, the formal parameter names are not stored in the class files to keep the file size smaller. The getName()
method of the Parameter class returns synthesized parameter names like arg0, arg1, etc. unless the actual parameter
names are retained. If you want to retain the actual parameter names in class files, you need to compile the source
code using the -parameters option with the javac compiler.
The getExceptionTypes() method of the Executable class returns an array of Class objects, which describes the
exceptions thrown by the Executable . If no exceptions are listed in the throws clause, it returns an array of length zero.
The getModifiers() method of the Executable class returns the modifiers as an int .
The getTypeParameters() method of the Executable class returns an array of TypeVariable that represents the
type parameters for generic methods/constructors. The examples in this chapter will not include the generic type
variable declarations in method/constructors.
Listing 3-6 contains a utility class that consists of static methods to get information about an Executable such as
the list of modifiers, parameters, and exception. I will use the class when I discuss methods and constructors in the
subsequent sections.
Listing 3-6. A Utility Class to Get Information for an Executable
package com.jdojo.reflection;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Executable;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Parameter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
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