Java Reference
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Let's change the declaration of the class E in the above examples to the following:
// The following code won't compile
public class E {
public class F extends A.B {
This code will not compile. In order to create an instance of the inner class F , you need an instance of A.B , which
in turn requires an instance of class A . In the earlier case, E was inherited from A . Therefore, it was guaranteed that an
instance of A exists when an instance of E is created. An instance of F can only be created when you have an instance
of its ancestor's A.B 's enclosing class A . When E inherited from A , it was guaranteed, when an instance of F is created,
you always have an instance of class A . In order to make the above code work, you need to apply the same logic as you
did for class G . You need to declare a constructor for class F that takes an instance of class A as its parameter, like so:
// The following code will compile
public class E {
public class F extends A.B {
public F(A a) {
a.super(); // Must be the first statement
No static Members in an Inner Class
The keyword static in Java makes a construct a top-level construct. Therefore, you cannot declare any static
members (fields, methods, or initializers) for an inner class. The following code will not compile because inner class B
declares a static field DAYS_IN_A_WEEK :
public class A {
public class B {
// Cannot have the following declaration
public static int DAYS_IN_A_WEEK = 7; // A compile-time error
However, it is allowed to have static fields in an inner class that are compile-time constants.
public class A {
public class B {
// Can have a compile-time static constant field
public final static int DAYS_IN_A_WEEK = 7; // OK
// Cannot have the following declaration, because it is not a compile-time
// constant, even though it is final
public final String str = new String("Hello");
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