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Grouping Data
Grouping data for reporting purposes is common. For example, you may want to know the average income by gender,
the youngest person by gender, etc. In previous sections, you used the toMap() method of the Collectors class to
get collectors that can be used to group data in maps. The groupingBy() method of the Collectors class returns a
collector that groups the data before collecting them in a Map . If you have worked with SQL statements, it is similar to
using a “group by” clause. The groupingBy() method is overloaded and it has three versions:
groupingBy(Function<? super T,? extends K> classifier)
groupingBy(Function<? super T,? extends K> classifier, Collector<? super T,A,D>
groupingBy(Function<? super T,? extends K> classifier, Supplier<M> mapFactory,
Collector<? super T,A,D> downstream)
I will discuss the first and second versions. The third version is the same as the second one, except that it lets you
specify a Supplier that is used as the factory to get the Map object. In the first two versions, the collector takes care of
creating the Map object for you.
the groupingBy() method returns a non-concurrent map that has performance overhead when the stream is
processed in parallel. It has a companion method called groupingByConcurrent() that returns a concurrent collector
that should be used in parallel stream processing for a better performance.
In the most generic version, the groupingBy() method takes two parameters:
classifier that is a function to generate the keys in the map.
collector that performs a reduction operation on the values associated with each key.
The first version of the groupingBy() method returns a collector that collects data into a Map<K, List<T>> , where K is
the return type of the classifier function and T is the type of elements in the input stream. Note that the value of a grouped
key in the map is a list of elements from the stream. The following snippet of code collects the list of people by gender:
Map<Person.Gender, List<Person>> personsByGender =
{FEMALE=[(3, Donna, FEMALE, 1962-07-29, 8700.00), (5, Laynie, FEMALE, 2012-12-13, 0.00)],
MALE=[(1, Ken, MALE, 1970-05-04, 6000.00), (2, Jeff, MALE, 1970-07-15, 7100.00), (4, Chris, MALE,
1993-12-16, 1800.00), (6, Li, MALE, 2001-05-09, 2400.00)]}
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