Java Reference
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the toMap() method returns a non-concurrent map that has performance overhead when streams are
processed in parallel. It has a companion method called toConcurrentMap() that returns a concurrent collector that
should be used when streams are processed in parallel.
Joining Strings Using Collectors
The joining() method of the Collectors class returns a collector that concatenates the elements of a stream of
CharSequence and returns the result as a String . The concatenation occurs in the encounter order. The joining()
method is overloaded and it has three versions:
joining(CharSequence delimiter)
joining(CharSequence delimiter, CharSequence prefix, CharSequence suffix)
The version with no arguments simply concatenates all elements. The second version uses a delimiter to be used
between two elements. The third version uses a delimiter, a prefix and a suffix. The prefix is added to the beginning of
the result and the suffix is added to end of the result. Listing 13-10 shows how to use the joining() method.
Listing 13-10. Joining a Stream of CharSequence Using a Collector
package com.jdojo.streams;
import java.util.List;
public class CollectJoiningTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Person> persons = Person.persons();
String names =
String delimitedNames =
.collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
String prefixedNames =
.collect(Collectors.joining(", ", "Hello ", ". Goodbye."));
System.out.println("Joined names: " + names);
System.out.println("Joined, delimited names: " + delimitedNames);
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