Java Reference
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public interface Collector<T,A,R> {
Supplier<A> supplier();
BiConsumer<A,T> accumulator();
BinaryOperator<A> combiner();
Function<A,R> finisher();
Set<Collector.Characteristics> characteristics();
The Collector interface takes three type parameters called T , A , and R , where T is the type of input elements, A is
the type of the accumulator, and R is the type of the result. The first three methods look familiar; you just used them in
the previous example. The finisher is used to transform the intermediate type A to result type R . The characteristics of
a Collector describe the properties that are represented by the constants of the Collector.Characteristics enum.
The designers of the Streams API realized that rolling out your own collector is too much work. They provided a
utility class called Collectors that provides out-of-box implementations for commonly used collectors. Three of the
most commonly used methods of the Collectors class are toList() , toSet() , and toCollection() . The toList()
method returns a Collector that collects the data in a List ; the toSet() method returns a Collector that collects
data in a Set ; the toCollecton() takes a Supplier that returns a Collection to be used to collect data. The following
snippet of code collects all names of people in a List<String> :
List<String> names = Person.persons()
[Ken, Jeff, Donna, Chris, Laynie, Li]
Notice that this time you achieved the same result in a much cleaner way.
The following snippet of code collects all names in a Set<String> . Note that a Set keeps only unique elements.
Set<String> uniqueNames = Person.persons()
[Donna, Ken, Chris, Jeff, Laynie, Li]
The output is not in a particular order because a Set does not impose any ordering on its elements. You can
collect names in a sorted set using the toCollection() method as follows:
SortedSet<String> uniqueSortedNames= Person.persons()
[Chris, Donna, Jeff, Ken, Laynie, Li]
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