Java Reference
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The following snippet of code uses the map() and reduce() methods to implement the count operation:
long personCount = Person.persons()
.map(p -> 1L)
.reduce(0L, Long::sum);
The following snippet of code uses only the reduce() method to implement the count operation:
long personCount = Person.persons()
.reduce(0L, (partialCount, person) -> partialCount + 1L, Long::sum);
this section showed you many ways to perform the same reduction operation on a stream. Some ways may
perform better than others depending on the stream type and the parallelization used. Use primitive type streams
whenever possible to avoid the overhead of unboxing; use parallel streams whenever possible to take advantage of the
multicores available on the machine.
Collecting Data Using Collectors
So far, you have been applying reduction on a stream to produce a single value (a primitive value or a reference
value) or void . For example, you used the reduce() method of the Stream<Integer> interface to compute a long
value that is the sum of its elements. There are several cases in which you want to collect the results of executing a
stream pipeline into a collection such as a List , a Set , a Map , etc. Sometimes you may want to apply complex logic to
summarize the stream's data. For example, you may want to group people by their gender and compute the highest
earner in every gender group. This is possible using the collect() method of the Stream<T> interface. The collect()
method is overloaded with two versions:
<R> R collect(Supplier<R> supplier, BiConsumer<R,? super T> accumulator,
BiConsumer<R,R> combiner)
<R,A> R collect(Collector<? super T,A,R> collector)
The method uses a mutable reduction operation. It uses a mutable container such as a mutable Collection to
compute the results from the input stream. The first version of the collect() method takes three arguments:
supplier that supplies a mutable container to store (or collect) the results.
accumulator that accumulates the results into the mutable container.
combiner that combines the partial results when the reduction operation takes
place in parallel.
the container to collect the data using the collect() method need not be a Collection . It can be any mutable
object that can accumulate results, such as a StringBuilder .
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