Java Reference
In-Depth Information
boolean isParallel() : It returns true if the stream is parallel, false otherwise. The result is
unpredictable when this method is called after invoking a terminal stream operation method.
S unordered() : It returns an unordered version of the stream. If the stream is already
unordered, it returns itself. This is an intermediate operation.
The Stream<T> interface represents a stream of the element type T ; for example, a Stream<Person> represents a
stream of Person objects. The interface contains methods representing intermediate and terminal operations such as
filter() , map() , reduce() , collect() , max() , min() , etc. When you work with streams, you will use these methods
most of the time. I will discuss each method in detail shortly.
Note that the Stream<T> interface takes a type parameter T , which means that you can use it only to work with
the elements of the reference type. If you have to work with a stream of primitive type such as int , long , etc., using
Stream<T> will involve an additional cost of boxing and unboxing the elements when primitive values are needed. For
example, adding all elements of a String<Integer> will require unboxing all Integer elements to int . The designers
of the Streams API realized this and they have provided three specialized stream interfaces called IntStream ,
LongStream , and DoubleStream to work with primitives; these interfaces contain methods to deal with primitive
values. Note that you do not have stream interfaces representing other primitive types such as float , short , etc.
because the three stream types can be used to represent other primitive type streams.
A Quick Example
Let's have a quick example of using streams. The code reads a list of integers and computes the sum of the squares of
all odd integers in the list.
The stream() method in the Collection interface returns a sequential stream where the Collection acts as the
data source. The following snippet of code creates a List<Integer> and obtains a Stream<Integer> from the list:
// Get a list of integers from 1 to 5
List<Integer> numbersList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
// Get the stream from the list
Stream<Integer> numbersStream =;
The filter() method of the Stream<T> interface takes a Predicate<T> as argument and returns a Stream<T>
with elements of the original stream for which the specified Predicate returns true. The following statement obtains
a stream of only odd integers:
// Get a stream of odd integers
Stream<Integer> oddNumbersStream= numbersStream.filter(n -> n % 2 == 1);
Notice the use of the lambda expression as the argument for the filter() method. The lambda expression
returns true if the element in the stream is not divisible by 2.
The map() method of the Stream<T> interface takes a Function as argument. Each element in the stream is passed to
the Function and a new stream is generated containing the returned values from the Function . The following statement
takes all odd integers and maps them to their squares:
// Get a stream of the squares of odd integers
Stream<Integer> squaredNumbersStream = -> n * n);
Finally, you need to add the squares of all odd integers to get the result. The reduce(T identity,
BinaryOperator<T> accumulator) method of the Stream interface performs a reduction operation on the stream
to reduce the stream to a single value. It takes an initial value and an accumulator that is a BinaryOperator<T> as
arguments. The first time, the accumulator receives the initial value and the first element of the stream as arguments,
and returns a value. The second time, the accumulator receives the value returned from its previous call and the second
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