Java Reference
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System.out.println(cMap.putIfAbsent("one", "nine"));
System.out.println(cMap.putIfAbsent("two", "two"));
System.out.println(cMap.remove("one", "two"));
System.out.println(cMap.replace("one", "two"));
System.out.println("Concurrent Map: " + cMap);
Concurrent Map: {one=one}
Concurrent Map: {one=two, two=two}
Concurrent and Navigable Maps
A concurrent navigable map is the concurrent and navigable version of the map. An instance of the
ConcurrentNavigableMap interface represents a concurrent and navigable map. The interface inherits from the
ConcurrentMap and NavigableMap interfaces.
The ConcurrentSkipListMap is the implementation class for the ConcurrentNavigableMap interface.
I have discussed both the concurrent map and navigable map. Please refer to the examples of both kinds for
using the ConcurrentNavigableMap .
Applying Algorithms to Collections
The Collections Framework lets you apply many types of algorithms on all or a few elements of a collection. It lets you
search through a collection for a value; sort and shuffle elements of a collection; get a read-only view of a collection;
etc. The good news is that all of these features are provided in one class named Collections . Notice that we have a
similarly named interfaced called Collection , which is the ancestor of most of the collection interfaces defined in the
Collections Framework. The Collections class consists of all static methods. If you want to apply any algorithm to a
collection, you need to look at the list of methods in this class before you writing your own code.
Sorting a List
You can use one of the following two static methods in the Collections class to sort the elements of a List :
<T extends Comparable<? super T>> void sort(List<T> list) : It sorts the elements in
a List in the natural order defined by the Comparable interface that is implemented by the
elements in the List . Each element in the List must implement the Comparable interface and
they must be comparable to each other.
<T> void sort(List<T> list, Comparator<? super T> c) : It lets you pass a Comparator
object to define a custom ordering of the elements.
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