Java Reference
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Listing 2-8. An Anonymous Class Example
package com.jdojo.innerclasses;
public class HelloAnonymous {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Object() {
// An instance initializer
System.out.println ("Hello from an anonymous class.");
}; // A semi-colon is necessary to end the statement
Hello from an anonymous class.
Since an anonymous inner class is the same as a local class without a class name, you can also implement the
examples in Listing 2-3 and Listing 2-4 by replacing the local inner classes with anonymous inner classes. Listing 2-9
rewrites the code for the TitleList class to use an anonymous class. You will notice the difference in the syntax inside
the titleIterator() method shown in Listing 2-3 and Listing 2-9. When using an anonymous class, it is important
to indent the code properly for better readability. You can test the TitleListWithInnerClass by replacing TitleList
with TitleListWithInnerClass in Listing 2-4 and you will get the same output.
Listing 2-9. The TitleList Class Rewritten Using an Anonymous Class as TitleListWithInnerClass
package com.jdojo.innerclasses;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class TitleListWithInnerClass {
private ArrayList<String> titleList = new ArrayList<>();
public void addTitle (String title) {
public void removeTitle(String title) {
public Iterator<String> titleIterator() {
// An anonymous class
Iterator<String> iterator =
new Iterator<String> () {
int count = 0;
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