Java Reference
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A List provides the following additional features over a generic collection:
It provides access to its elements using indexes. You can use its
add(int index, E element) ,
addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c) , get(int index) , remove(int index) and
set(int index, E element) methods to add, get, remove, and replace its elements using indexes.
You can search for the position of an element in the
List using indexOf(Object o) or
lastIndexOf(Object o) methods. The indexOf() method searches for the specified object in
the List from the beginning and it returns the index of the first occurrence of the object. The
lastIndexOf() method does the same starting from the end of the list. Both methods return
-1 if the List does not contain the specified object.
It provides a method called
subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) that gives you a sublist of
the original list starting at index fromIndex (inclusive) to index toIndex (exclusive).
It provides a specialized iterator for its elements, which is an instance of the
interface. This iterator lets you iterate over its elements in both directions (forward
and backward) at the same time. You can get the ListIterator for a List using its
listIterator() method. Note that the Iterator returned from the iterator() method of the
Collection interface returns a forward-only iterator.
The following are two of many implementation classes for the List interface:
An ArrayList is backed up by an array. A LinkedList is backed up by a linked list. An ArrayList performs better
if you access (get and set) the elements of the list frequently. Accessing elements in an ArrayList is faster because the
index of an element becomes the index in the backing array, and accessing an element from an array is always fast.
Adding or removing elements from a list backed by an ArrayList performs slower, unless done from the end, because
an ArrayList has to perform an array copy internally to keep the elements in sequence. The LinkedList performs
better as compared to ArrayList for adding and removing elements from the middle of the list. However, it is slower
for accessing elements of the list, unless at the head of the list.
You can create and add some elements to a list as follows:
// Create a list of strings
List<String> nameList = new ArrayList<>();
nameList.add("John"); // Adds John at the index 0
nameList.add("Richard"); // Adds Richard at the index 1
The add(E element) method of the List interface appends the element to the end of the List . The
remove(Object o) method of List removes the first occurrence of the element from the beginning of the list.
You can also add elements to a List using positional indexes. Note that the index that you use to access any
element must be between 0 and size , where size is the size of the List . You can use add(int index, E element)
method to insert the specified element at the specified index . For example, nameList.add(1, "Sara") will insert
"Sara" at index 1, which is the second element in the List . When you use an index to add an element to a List , the
element at the specified index and elements to the right of the specified index are shifted to the right and their indexes
are incremented by 1. Suppose you have a List as shown in Figure 12-3 and you execute the following code:
// Add an element at index 1
nameList.add(1, "Sara");
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