Java Reference
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// Remove the name if it is two characters
if (name.length() == 2) {
The forEachRemaining() method is new to Java 8 and takes an action on each element of the collection that has
not been accessed by the iterator yet. The action is specified as a Consumer . You can use the following snippet of code
to print all elements of a list:
List<String> names = get a list;
// Get an iterator for the list
Iterator<String> nameIterator = names.iterator();
// Print the names in the list
The code uses method reference System.out::println as a Consumer for the forEachRemaining() method.
Notice that using the forEachRemaining() method helps shorten the code by eliminating the need for a loop
using the hasNext() and next() methods. Please refer to Chapter 5 for more on using the Consumer interface and
method references.
Listing 12-2 contains a complete program that uses an iterator and the forEachRemaining() of the iterator to
print all elements of a list on the standard output. The program has combined the steps to obtain the iterator and call
its forEachRemaining() method call into one statement.
Listing 12-2. Using an Iterator to Iterate Over Elements of a List
package com.jdojo.collections;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class NameIterator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create a list of strings
List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
// Add some names to the list
// Print all elements of the names list
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