Java Reference
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The System class contains a convenience method called gc() , which is equivalent to executing the
Runtime.getRuntime().gc() statement. You can also use the following statement to run the garbage collector:
// Invoke the garbage collector
The program in Listing 11-1 demonstrates the use of the System.gc() method. The program creates 2,000 objects
of the Object class in the createObjects() method. The references of the new objects are not stored. You cannot
refer to these objects again, and hence, they are garbage. When you invoke the System.gc() method, you suggest to
the JVM that it should try to reclaim the memory used by these objects. The memory freed by the garbage collector is
displayed in the output section. Note that you will more than likely get a different output when you run this program.
Listing 11-1. Invoking Garbage Collection
package com.jdojo.gc;
public class InvokeGC {
public static void main(String[] args) {
long m1, m2, m3;
// Get a runtime instance
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
// Get free memory
m1 = rt.freeMemory();
// Create some objects
// Get free memory
m2 = rt.freeMemory();
// Invoke garbage collection
// Get free memory
m3 = rt.freeMemory();
System.out.println("m1=" + m1 + ", m2=" + m2 + ", m3=" +
m3 + "\nMemory freed by gc()=" + (m3 - m2));
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