Java Reference
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It added an API that lets you walk through a file tree. You can perform a file operation on a
node as you walk through the file tree.
It supports asynchronous I/O on network sockets and files.
It supports multicasting using a
DatagramChannel .
Working with a File System
An object of the FileSystem class represents a file system in a Java program. A FileSystem object is used to perform
two tasks:
It acts as an interface between a Java program and a file system.
It acts as a factory for creating many types of file system-related objects and services.
A FileSystem object is platform-dependent. You do not create an object of the FileSystem class directly.
To obtain the default FileSystem object for a platform, you need to use the getDefault() static method of the
FileSystems class as follows:
// Create the platform-specific default file system object
FileSystem fs = FileSystems.getDefault();
Typically, a file system consists of one or more file stores. A file store provides storage for files. The
getFileStores() method of the FileSystem class returns an Iterator for the FileStore objects.
A file system may be represented differently on different platforms. One platform may represent a file system in
a single hierarchy of files with one top-level root directory, whereas another may represent it in multiple hierarchies
of files with multiple top-level directories. The getRootDirectories() method of the FileSystem class returns an
iterator of Path objects, which represent paths to all top-level directories. I will discuss the Path class in detail in the
next section.
You can use the isReadOnly() method of the FileSystem object to test if it only allows read-only access to the
file stores. You will work with the FileSystem class in subsequent sections to create the file system-related objects
and services.
Listing 10-1 demonstrates how to use a FileSystem object. It uses the default file system for the platform. The
output shows the file system information when the program was run on Windows; you may get a different output
when you run the program.
Listing 10-1. Retrieving Information About a File System
package com.jdojo.nio2;
import java.nio.file.FileStore;
import java.nio.file.FileSystem;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Path;
public class FileSystemTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create the platform-specific default file system object
FileSystem fs = FileSystems.getDefault();
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