Java Reference
In-Depth Information
if (b.equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)) {
System.out.println("Big endian");
else {
System.out.println("Little endian");
Little endian
Byte Buffer and Its Byte Order
A byte order is the order in which bytes of a multi-byte value are stored. Suppose you have a short value 300 stored in a
variable as follows:
short s = 300;
A short value is stored in two bytes. The value 300 can be represented in 16-bits as 0000000100101100 , where
the rightmost bit is the least significant bit and the leftmost bit is the most significant bit. You can split the 16-bit
into two bytes as 00000001 and 00101100 . At the byte level, you can think of 00000001 as the most significant byte
and 00101100 as the least significant byte. If you consider two bytes separately for a short value, you may store them
as either 00000001 followed by 00101100 or 00101100 followed by 00000001 . As long as you know the order of the
bytes in which they are stored, you would be able to compute the correct value 300 using either form of the 16-bits:
0000000100101100 or 0010110000000001 .
A byte order is called big endian if the bytes of a multi-bytes value are stored from the most significant byte to the
least significant byte. If the bytes of a multi-byte value are stored from the least significant byte to the most significant
byte, it is known as little endian. To remember the two definitions easily, you can replace the word “big” with
“most significant,” “little” with “least significant,” and “endian” with “first”. That is, remember “big endian” as
“most significant first” and “little endian” as “least significant first.”
If you store a short value of 300 as 0000000100101100 , you are using the big endian byte order. In the little endian
byte order, you would store 300 as 0010110000000001 , which seems backwards for representing a 16-bit value.
When you deal with byte data in a byte buffer, you may be considering each byte as an independent byte. A byte
in a byte buffer may be part of a bigger value. When a byte value in a byte buffer is independent, the byte order is not a
consideration. When a byte in a byte buffer is part of a bigger value (e.g. two bytes of a short value 300 ), the byte order
becomes very important in reading. If you read two bytes from a byte buffer to compute a short value, you must know
how those two bytes are stored. Suppose you read two bytes as 0000000100101100 . If it is in a big endian byte order, it
represents a value 300 . If it is in a little endian byte order, it represents a value of 11265 .
Java uses a big-endian byte order to store data. By default, a byte buffer uses a big endian byte order. An instance
of the java.nio.ByteOrder class represents a byte order. You will not need to instantiate this class because you
always use the value that represents a byte order; you don't create a new byte order. In fact, this class has no public
constructor. You can use two constants, BIG_ENDIAN and LITTLE_ENDIAN , which are defined in the ByteOrder class to
represent these byte orders.
a byte order is meaningful only in a multi-byte value stored in a byte buffer. You may also need to deal with byte
orders when you are dealing with two different systems that use different byte orders.
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