Java Reference
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Your Java program interacts with a channel for an I/O operation using byte buffers. That is, even if you have many
different kinds of buffers, you will need to convert them to a byte buffer before you can pass them to a channel for
reading/writing data.
A ReadableByteChannel is used to read data from a data source into a byte buffer using its read() method.
A WritableByteChannel is used to write data from a byte buffer to a data sink using its write() method. A ByteChannel
is capable of both reading and writing byte data using its read() and write() methods, respectively.
A ScatteringByteChannel reads data from a data source into multiple byte buffers. It is useful to read data from a
known file format or a similar data source, where data is supplied in some fixed-length headers followed by a variable
length body. For example, suppose a file has a 256-byte fixed-length header and a variable length body. An object
of the ScatteringByteChannel class is used to read data from this kind of file using two byte buffers. The first byte
buffer will be of capacity 256. The second buffer will be of a size of your choice. When you pass these two buffers to
this channel, the fixed-length header of 256 bytes will be read in the first buffer. The second buffer will have the file
data and you may have to use the second buffer multiple times to read the rest of bytes from the file. The advantage of
using this channel is separating the fixed-length header data from other data.
A GatheringByteChannel performs just the opposite of what a ScatteringByteChannel performs. It writes data
from multiple byte buffers to a data sink. It is used to write data in a format that is grouped in some fixed-length
headers, followed by a variable length body.
An InterruptibleChannel channel can be closed asynchronously. If a thread is blocked on an I/O operation
on this channel, another thread can call its close() method to close it. The blocked thread will receive an
AsynchronousCloseException . If a thread is blocked on an I/O operation on this channel, another thread can
call the interrupt() method on the blocked thread. This channel is closed, and the blocked thread receives a
ClosedByInterruptException exception.
Typically, you do not deal with these channel interfaces directly in your Java program. You will be dealing with
concrete channel classes that implement one or more of these interfaces. Unlike streams, you do not create a channel
directly. You get it indirectly by calling a method. To obtain a channel for a data source and a data sink, you will need
to create an object of InputStream and OutputStream using old ways of working with I/O using classes in the
package. The Channels class in the java.nio.channels package is a utility class that has many static methods to
convert streams into channels and vice versa. The Channels class also provides methods to convert readers/writers
to channels and vice versa. For example, if you have an input stream object named myInputStream , you can obtain a
ReadableByteChannel as follows:
// Get a ReadableByteChannel from an InputStream
ReadableByteChannel rbc = Channels.newChannel(myInputStream);
If you have a ReadableByteChannel named rbc , you can obtain the underlying InputStream object as follows:
// Get the InputStream of the ReadableByteChannel
InputStream myInputStream = Channels.newInputStream(rbc);
For NIO, the FileInputStream and FileOutputStream classes have been modified to work with channels. They
have a new method called getChannel() to return a FileChannel object. A FileChannel is used to read and write data
to a file. The FileChannel object obtained from a FileInputStream is opened in a read-only mode. A FileChannel
object obtained from a FileOutputStream object is opened in a write-only mode. If you obtain a FileChannel from a
RandomAccessFile , it is opened in a read-only, write-only, or read-write mode, depending on the way you create that
RandomAccessFile object. The following snippet of code obtains FileChannel objects for different kinds of file streams:
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("luci1.txt");
FileChannel fcReadOnly = fis.getChannel(); // A read-only channel
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("luci1.txt");
FileChannel fcWriteOnly = fos.getChannel(); // A write-only channel
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