Java Reference
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// Compress the data
byte[] compressedData = compress(uncompressedData,
Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION, false);
// Decompress the data
byte[] decompressedData = decompress(compressedData, false);
String output = new String(decompressedData, "UTF-8");
// Display the statatistics
System.out.println("Input String: " + input);
System.out.println("Uncompressed data length: " + uncompressedData.length);
System.out.println("Compressed data length: " + compressedData.length);
System.out.println("Decompressed data length: " + decompressedData.length);
System.out.println("Output String: " + output);
public static byte[] compress(byte[] input, int compressionLevel,
boolean GZIPFormat) throws IOException {
// Create a Deflater object to compress data
Deflater compressor = new Deflater(compressionLevel, GZIPFormat);
// Set the input for the compressor
// Call the finish() method to indicate that we have
// no more input for the compressor object
// Compress the data
ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] readBuffer = new byte[1024];
int readCount = 0 ;
readCount = compressor.deflate(readBuffer);
if (readCount > 0) {
// Write compressed data to the output stream
bao.write(readBuffer, 0, readCount);
// End the compressor
// Return the written bytes from output stream
return bao.toByteArray();
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