Java Reference
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public static void main(String[] args) {
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(new DummyStandardOutput());
// Set the dummy standard output
// The following messages are not going anywhere
System.out.println("Hello world!");
System.out.println("Is someone listening?");
System.out.println("No. We are all taking a nap!!!");
(No output will be printed.)
You can use the object to read data from a standard input device (usually a keyboard). You can also
set the object to read from any other InputStream object of your choice, such as a file. You can use the
read() method of the InputStream class to read bytes from this stream. reads a byte at a time from
the keyboard. Note that the read() method of the InputStream class blocks until data is available for reading. When
a user enters data and presses the Enter key, the entered data becomes available, and the read() method returns one
byte of data at a time. The last byte read will represent a new-line character. When you read a new-line character from
the input device, you should stop further reading or the read() call will block until the user enters more data and
presses the Enter key again. Listing 7-39 illustrates how to read data entered using the keyboard.
Listing 7-39. Reading from the Standard Input Device
public class EchoStdin {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
// Prompt the user to type a message
System.out.print("Please type a message and press enter: ");
// Display whatever user types in
int c = '\n';
while ((c = != '\n') {
System.out.print((char) c);
Since is an instance of InputStream , you can use any concrete decorator to read data from the
keyboard; for example, you can create a BufferedReader object and read data from the keyboard one line at a time
as string. Listing 7-40 illustrates how to use object with a BufferedReader . Note that this is the kind of
situation when you will need to use the InputStreamReader class to get a character-based stream ( BufferedReader )
from a byte-based stream ( ). The program keeps prompting the user to enter some text until the user enters
Q or q to quit the program.
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