Java Reference
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catch (IOException e2) {
Text was written to C:\book\javabook\luci4.txt
If you compare the code in this listing to any other listings, which write data to a stream, you will not find any
basic differences. The differences lie only in using classes to construct the output stream. In this case, you used the
BufferedWriter and FileWriter classes to construct a Writer object. You used the append() method of the Writer
class to write the strings to the file. You can use the write() method or the append() method to write a string using a
Writer object. However, the append() method supports writing any CharSequence object to the stream whereas the
write() method supports writing only characters or a string. The BufferedWriter class provides a newLine() method
to write a platform specific new line to the output stream.
How would you read the text written to the file luci4.txt using a Reader object? It's simple. Create a
BufferedReader object by wrapping a FileReader object and read one line of text at a time using its readLine()
method. The readLine() method considers a linefeed ( '\n' ), a carriage return ( '\r' ), and a carriage return
immediately followed by a linefeed as a line terminator. It returns the text of the line excluding the line terminator.
It returns null when the end of the stream is reached. The following is the snippet of code to read the text from the
luci4.txt file. You can write the full program as an exercise.
String srcFile = "luci4.txt";
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(srcFile));
String text = null;
while ((text = br.readLine()) != null) {
Converting a byte-based stream to a character-based stream is straightforward. If you have an InputStream
object, you can get a Reader object by wrapping it inside an InputStreamReader object, like so:
InputStream is = create your InputStream object here;
Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(is);
If you want to construct a BufferedReader object from an InputStream object, you can do that as follows:
InputStream is = create your InputStream object here;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
You can construct a Writer object from an OutputStream object as follows:
OutputStream os = create your OutputStream object here;
Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(os);
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