Java Reference
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Working with File Attributes
The File class contains methods that let you get/set attributes of files and directories in a limited ways. You can set
a file as read-only, readable, writable, and executable using the setReadOnly() , setReadable() , setWritable (), and
setExecutable() methods, respectively. You can use the lastModified() and setLastModified() methods to get
and set the last modified date and time of a file. You can check if a file is hidden using the isHidden() method. Note
that the File class does not contain a setHidden() method as the definition of a hidden file is platform-dependent.
I will discuss working with file attributes using the new Input/Output 2 (nIO.2) apI in Chapter 10. nIO.2 has
extensive support for file attributes.
Copying a File
The File class does not provide a method to copy a file. To copy a file, you must create a new file, read the content
from the original file, and write it into the new file. I will discuss how to copy the contents of a file into another file later
in this chapter, after I discuss the input and output streams. The NIO 2.0 API, which was added in Java 7, provides a
direct way to copy a file contents and its attributes. Please refer to Chapter 10 for more details.
Knowing the Size of a File
You can get the size of a file in bytes using the length() method of the File class.
File myFile = new File("myfile.txt");
long fileLength = myFile.length();
If a File object represents a non-existent file, the length() method returns zero. If it is a directory name, the
return value is not specified. Note that the return type of the length() method is long , not int .
Listing All Files and Directories
You can get a list of the available root directories in a file system by using the listRoots() static method of the File
class. It returns an array of File objects.
// Get the list of all root directories
File[] roots = File.listRoots();
Root directories are different across platforms. On Windows, you have a root directory for each drive (e.g. C:\ ,
A:\ , D:\ , etc.). On UNIX, you have a single root directory represented by a forward slash.
Listing 7-3 illustrates how to get the root directories on a machine. The output is shown when this program was
run on Windows. You may get a different output when you run this program on your machine. The output will depend
on the operating system and the drives that are attached to your machine.
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