Java Reference
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finally {
// Release the lock
You may wonder why you would use the code structure listed in Listing 6-30 when you could have used the
synchronized keyword to achieve the same effect, like so:
public void updateResource() {
// Acquire the lock and the lock will be released automatically by the
// JVM when your code exits the block
synchronized (this) {
// Logic for updating/reading the shared resource goes here
You are correct in thinking that using the synchronized keyword would have been better in this case. It is much
simpler and less error prone to use the synchronized keyword in such situations. The power of using the new Lock
interface becomes evident when you come across situations where using the synchronized keyword is not possible
or very cumbersome. For example, if you want to acquire the lock in the updateResource() method and release it in
some other methods, you cannot use the synchronized keyword. If you need to acquire two locks to work with a shared
resource and if only one lock is available, you want to do something else rather than waiting for the other lock. If you
use the synchronized keyword or the lock() method of the Lock interface to acquire a lock, the call blocks if the lock
is not available immediately, which gives you no option to back off once you asked for the lock. Such blocked threads
cannot be interrupted either. The two methods of the Lock interface, tryLock() and lockInterruptibly() , give you
the ability to try to acquire a lock (rather than acquire a lock or block). The thread that has acquired the lock can be
interrupted if it is blocked. The syntax to acquire and release a lock using the Lock interface should use a try-finally
or a try-catch-finally block structure to avoid unintended bugs by placing the unlock() call in a finally block.
You will solve a classic synchronization problem known as the dining-philosophers problem using the explicit
lock constructs. The problem goes like this: five philosophers spend all of their time either thinking or eating. They
sit around a circular table with five chairs and five forks, as shown in Figure 6-7 . There are only five forks and all five
philosophers need to pick the two nearest (one from his left and one from his right) forks to eat.
Figure 6-7. Five philosophers at a dining table
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