Java Reference
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Listing 6-28. A Counter Class That Uses Synchronization
package com.jdojo.threads;
public class SynchronizedCounter {
private long value;
public synchronized long next() {
return ++value;
You would rewrite the SynchronizedCounter class using the AtomicLong class as shown in Listing 6-29.
Listing 6-29. A Counter Class Using Atomic Variable
package com.jdojo.threads;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
public class AtomicCounter {
private AtomicLong value = new AtomicLong(0L);
public long next() {
return value.incrementAndGet();
Note that the AtomicCounter class does not use any explicit synchronization. It takes advantage of CAS
hardware instruction. The call to the incrementAndGet() method inside the next() method of the AtomicCounter
class is performed atomically for you. You can also use an object of the AtomicLong class as a thread-safe counter
object like so:
AtomicLong aCounter = new AtomicLong(0L);
Then you can use the aCounter.incrementAndGet() method to generate a new counter. The incrementAndGet()
method of the AtomicLong class increments its current value and returns the new value. You also have its counterpart
method called getAndIncrement() , which increments its value and returns its previous value.
The AtomicXxx variable classes have a compareAndSet() method. It is a variant of compare and swap (CAS).
The only difference is that the compareAndSet() method returns a boolean . It returns true if it succeeds; otherwise it
returns false . The following is the pseudo code representation of the compareAndSet() method:
compareAndSet(M, O, N) {
// Call CAS (see CAS pseudo code) if CAS succeeded, return true;
// otherwise, return false.
return (CAS(M, O, N) == O)
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