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Listing 6-19 shows the code that interrupts the main thread and prints the interrupted status of the thread.
Note that the second call to the Thread.interrupted() method returns false , as indicated in the output #3:false .
This example also shows that a thread can interrupt itself. The main thread that is responsible for running the main()
method is interrupting itself in this example.
Listing 6-19. A Simple Example of Interrupting a Thread
package com.jdojo.threads;
public class SimpleInterrupt {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("#1:" + Thread.interrupted());
// Now interrupt the main thread
// Check if it has been interrupted
System.out.println("#2:" + Thread.interrupted());
// Check again if it has been interrupted
System.out.println("#3:" + Thread.interrupted());
Let's have another example of the same kind. This time, one thread will interrupt another thread. Listing 6-20
starts a thread that increments a counter until the thread is interrupted. At the end, the thread prints the value of the
counter. The main() method starts the thread; it sleeps for one second to let the counter thread do some work;
it interrupts the thread. Since the thread checks whether it has been interrupted or not before continuing in the
while-loop, it exits the loop once it is interrupted. You may a different output when you run this program.
Listing 6-20. A Thread Interrupting Another Thread
package com.jdojo.threads;
public class SimpleInterruptAnotherThread {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Thread t = new Thread(SimpleInterruptAnotherThread::run);
// Let the main thread sleep for 1 second
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
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