Java Reference
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The threads in the entry set are blocked and they are ready to grab access to the monitor as soon as possible.
The threads in the wait set are waiting for some condition to occur. A thread that has ownership of the monitor must
notify the threads waiting in the wait set about the fulfillment of the conditions on which they are waiting. In Java, the
notification is made by calling the notify() and notifyAll() methods of the java.lang.Object class. Like the wait()
method, the notify() and notifyAll() methods are also declared final . Like the wait() method, these two methods
must be called by a thread using an object whose monitor has already been acquired by the thread. If a thread calls
these methods on an object before acquiring the object's monitor, a java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException is
thrown. The call to the notify() method wakes up one thread from the wait set, whereas the call to the notifyAll()
method wakes up all threads in the wait set. In case of the notify() method call, the thread that is woken up is chosen
arbitrarily. Note that when a thread calls the notify() or notifyAll() method, it still holds the lock on the object's
monitor. Threads in the wait set are only woken up by the notify() or notifyAll() call. They do not acquire the
object's monitor lock immediately. When the thread that called the notify() or notifyAll() method releases the
object's monitor lock by “Release and exit” or “Release and wait,” the woken up threads in the wait set competes with
the threads in the entry set to acquire the object's monitor again. Therefore, a call to the notify() and notifyAll()
serves only as a wake-up call for threads in the wait set and it does not guarantee access to the object's monitor.
there is no way to wake up a specific thread in the wait set. the call to notify() chooses a thread
arbitrarily, whereas the call to notifyAll() wakes up all threads. Use notifyAll() when you are in doubt about
which method to use.
The following snippet of code shows a pseudo code for using the notifyAll() method along with the wait()
method. You may observe that the call to the wait() and notify() methods are made on the same object,
because if objectRef.wait() puts a thread in the wait set of the objectRef object, the objectRef.notify() or
objectRef.notifyAll() method will wake that thread from the wait set of the objectRef object.
public class WaitAndNotifyMethodCall {
private Object objectRef = new Object();
public synchronized void someMethod_1() {
while (some condition is true) {
if (some other condition is true) {
// Notify all waiting threads
public static synchronized void someMethod_2() {
while (some condition is true) {
if (some other condition is true) {
// Notify all waiting threads
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